Don’t save for just anything, Save for things that bring you joy.

So we’ve finally launched Piggy the Bank (At least in a closed BETA capacity.)

I’m currently saving away for a new Apple Watch when it comes out next fall. I’ll be honest i’m really excited about it, to have a product that’s actually working in the background helping me save for something as I browse around is actually really cool!

However, one thing that keeps popping in the back of my mind is WHY am I saving for what i’m saving for right now? Do I really need it? Want it? This really has got me thinking.

As Canadians, we live in a culture that LOVES excess, more food, more toys, more goods and this consequently leaves us with more debt.

In the past months, I have noticed a trend in minimal living and when I looked at myself I started to wonder about all my purchases. I recently read this great book called “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” and it guides you through decluttering your home, simplifying, organizing, and storing pretty much everything in your life. After going through the book, I slowly started to realize that there are so many “things” in my life I don’t actually use, wear or really love and have the piles to prove it!


Now thinking about this, i’m not 100% sure how I ended up feeling like a mini-hoarder? Or more importantly, why do I have this need to fill my life with excess? Maybe i’ve fallen prey to advertising or the need for instant gratification… but what I have learned is that “more things” usually doesn’t make me feel happy.

So with that note, I challenge you – people of the internet – the next time you want  or  need something shiny and new, think about it first, plan for it, make a small personal goal and for the sake of your wallet save for it before you buy it. Take a bit of time and slow down a little, maybe as you plan and save you’ll start to appreciate and love it that much more when you click that purchase button.

If you want some help with saving for that big-ticket item give Piggy the Bank a try and let me know what you think!



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Andrew Garcia
Andrew Garcia
Andy Garcia, Creative Lead & Co-Founder — Andy is an award winning UX Designer, Art Director and Entrepreneur living in Toronto. He has a passion for storytelling and how it can interact with brands, fans and customers alike. Over the years Andy has worked with a roaster of big names including: The Globe and Mail, Samsung Canada and the Bank of Montreal. With over decade of experince in design, UX and creative managment, his work ranges from innovative technical projects to social concepts that break barriers and bring to life ideas that can change the way users use technology in everday life. A few of his recent notble projects include: the CSA winning Big Brother Canada digital franchise, the FITC winning Sochi Olympics Notes from Home website and the Peadbody award winning VR documentary: Ebola Outbreak a Virtual Journey.
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  • Chris Muncey

    Hope you didn’t pitch that Blue Jays Hat . . .

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